TATA CHRISTIANE是由设计师Julie Bourgeois和Gabriel Santini于2007年创立的时装品牌。该品牌提供独特的系列作品,其服装设计工作室与艺术表演、戏剧、电影、摄影和音乐进行多种多样的合作。

TATA CHRISTIANE展示的是街头服装,设想了一种荒谬的、令人不安的视觉美,带着衰退、失调、奢侈和过度。它游走在优雅与粗俗的边界,挖掘我们的旧记忆,回收我们文明的废弃物,成为一个偏执狂、一个策划者、一个怪异而极端的作品。

如果TATA CHRISTIANE不是一个捉摸不定的女王、独眼的长笛手、吉普赛女人或街头小孩,那么TATA CHRISTIANE也可以是一个朋克。

TATA CHRISTIANE的服装既适合男孩和女孩、女人和异装癖,也适合男人和老人、国王和疯子。




TATA CHRISTIANE is a fashion label founded in 2007 by Julie Bourgeois and Gabriel Santini. The brand proposes collections with serial and unique pieces and stands with its costume design studio for various cooperation in art performances, theater, cinema, photography and music.

TATA CHRISTIANE is a vision of the street costume, it proposes an absurd and disturbing vision of beauty, with decline, maladjustment, extravagance and immoderation. It plays with the borders of elegance and bad taste, digging up our old memories, recycling the waste of our civilization, and becoming a monomania, a machination and a monstrous and sublime piece.

TATA CHRISTIANE could have been a punk, if she was not also an ambiguous queen, a one eyed flautist, a gypsy woman and a street child.

TATA CHRISTIANE is for boys and girls, women and transvestites, men and old people, kings and madmen.

The brand develops two trends / collections a year, producing limited serial clothes and unique pieces. Using hand made and industrial production, the design and the cuts, the materials and the fabrics ,follow from the adaptation of poetic museum/costumes/street wear…pieces, into a contemporary street costume.

The brand develops two trends collections a year and produce all year collector and unique pieces. Using hand made and small regional production, the design and the cuts, the materials and the fabrics follow from the adaptation of poetic museum/costumes/street wear…pieces, into a contemporary street costume. We are producing in a small atelier based in Berlin, and we collaborate with regional manufacturers and artisans. We focus on a variety of different fabrics and techniques, with attention to ecological materials and fibers whenever possible, vintage and recycled textiles that we found in different cities. We are developing our own prints and hand made garments.

We stand for individuality, humor, fun and fantasy to assume a slow and ethical way to approach our way we dress and being in the world.