GABY CHARBACHY品牌在全球超过22个国家设有代表处,在巴黎、纽约、巴塞罗那、米兰和土耳其等多个时装周都有展示过。在过去的几年里,该设计师推出了一个更私人和个性化的高级时装定制服务,婚纱和高档晚装。由于该设计师满足了客户常规系列之外的特定需求,他的服装在各种视频短片,VIP活动和出席红毯活动中均有穿着。

Brand GABY CHARBACHY is represented in over 22 countries worldwide and is featured in many fashion weeks, like Paris, New York, Barcelona, Milan and Turkey. Throughout the last couple of years, the Designer has created a more private and personalized haute couture service including wedding dresses and high-end evening wear. As such the designer caters to specific needs of his clients outside the regular collection and his dresses have been worn in various video clips, VIP and Red Carpet events.