Waste Couture

Rossana Diana是一名意大利的时装设计师。她在米兰居住和生活。很小的时候她就对自然产生了极大的热情。在放弃了大学的生物学专业后,她开始当模特。在这期间她遇见了Zeus Group(时装、艺术和设计), 并与1986年加入了他们。之后他们在米兰维纳利开了一家时装店。这家店代表着那个时代很高的审美水平,迅速成为了米兰的地标,被看成是国际各大秀场最著名的时装的聚集地。时代杂志把它评为那些年最好的时装店之一。这就是Rossana开始设计和创作自己第一个服装系列的地方。The Venette Waste 的系列作品很好地展示了设计的可持续性和魅力。衣服是利用意大利一家知名编织厂的废料做出来的,它也同样为著名的意大利品牌做出了贡献。作品中的一切都不是有意创作的。所有的,每一个成分都是已经存在的,羞愧的是甚至没有让它们留到第一个生命周期。给已生产的但是被弃用的东西一种使用感。这是极端资本主义的结果。这代表了创造真正的美,同时尊重人的经济和自然发展。这就是我们今天要展示的:“lovemark”的更宽领域的系列。Look of love, 这是这块黑色的古董壁炉的名字。保持着所有的形式和样子的特点,它正成为一件裙子或者饰品的解剖形态和结构零件。把他们转变成符号本身的概念媒介。一种可以在裙子上自由移动的不可或缺的一部分。这很像沿着城市墙上的涂鸦一样;转变后,具有连接城市的现实存在感。这个信息是很明确的。这个logo对模特很有用,一方面是强调它的力量,另一方面是利用应该被每个人认识到的唯一价值,去重新定义:风格的价值。每件服装都让模特们穿出了  “ The Colombina”的姿凋。是即兴喜剧里的人物(意大利的一种剧院形式,盛行于欧洲16世纪至18世纪)提醒我们现在生活的时代表面是安全的,实际上存在某种危险。同时也代表了一种警告。她在用一种诱人的方式邀请人们不要对生态原则采用极端的方法,因为如果不尽可能地重视它,可持续发展就没有意义了。

Rossana Diana, fashion designer from Milan, Italy. Deep great enthusiasm for nature affects her so much even when she was a little girl. She gave up biology science and chose to be a fashion model. During this period, she came across Zeus Group and became a member of it it in 1986. They opened a fashion studio in Navigli, Milan. This studio represented a superior aesthetic level then and had rapidly became the landmark of Milan, and it was taken as the area assembled the most famous brands of those fashion shows. Time magazine rated it one of the best boutiques of the year. That was where Rossana began to design and created her first collection. The Venette Waste collection is a virtuous example of how one can combine sustainability and glamour of a design. The clothes are made from the scrap of a well-known weaving mill in Italy, and this collection also contributes to the famous Italian brand. Nothing in this collection was created on purpose. Everything, every single ingredient already existed. It is a shame that these ingredients even cannot survive the first life cycle. Reuse something which had already been produced but abandoned; this was the consequence of the extreme capitalism effects.  This symbolized to create real beauty and respected human’s economic and natural development. This is that we are presenting to you today: a series of a wider collection which is dedicated to“lovemark”. Look of love is the name of this black and curios hearth. Maintaining the features of all the forms and appearance, it has become an anatomical shape and a structural part of a dress  or an accessory. Transform them  into conceptual vehicles of the symbols themsleves . A segment that moves freely on a dress as an integral part. It much more like the graffiti running endlessly along the city walls; Getting transformed, it can attain the sense of reality that can link the city up. The message is clear. The logo is really useful for the models, because on one hand, it stresses on its power ,and on the other hand, it uses the value that should be recognized by everyone to redefine: the value of style. Every garment worn by models figured as“ The Colombina”, the character from La Commedia dell’Arte (Italian theatrical form that flourished throughout Europe from the 16th century to the 18th century) reminds us of certain  dangerous  superficiality of the era we are living. Meanwhile she presents a warning as well. She is inviting everybody, in a seductive way, to not be so extreme with the ecological rules, because if people do not viralize it as much as one can,sustainability is no longer meaningful.