NE·TIGER(东北虎)品牌创始人张志峰先生1982年开始创业,之后将公司命名为“东北虎”,于1992年在国家工商局注册商标为“东北虎”,并获得中国驰名商标。企业之后在西班牙马德里Madrid国际注册商标中英文“NE·TIGER东北虎”,同时“NE·TIGER”商标已通过《商标国际注册马德里协定》(Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks)在多国进行了国际注册。NE·TIGER经过了三十四年的积累和发展,已经成为中国的顶级高端时尚品牌。作为中国服饰文化的传承者和创新者,NE·TIGER始终秉承“贯通古今 融汇中西”的设计理念,致力于复兴中国奢侈品文明,新兴中国奢侈品品牌。NE·TIGER早期以皮草的设计和生产为主,迅速奠定了在中国皮草行业中的领军地位。在品牌的发展历史中,品牌相继推出了晚礼服、中国式婚礼服和婚纱等系列产品,并开创性地推出了高级定制华服。NE·TIGER深耕传统服饰文化精髓,更荣膺第二十二届亚太经合组织(APEC)会议领导人服装设计与制作代表品牌。中国有礼仪之大,故称夏;有章服之美,谓之华”。“华夏礼服”即是华服,是代表中华民族精神的国服。 NE·TIGER华服的设计可以概括为五大属性:标志性、经典性、民族性、兼容性和现代性,凝汇呈现数千年华夏礼服的文明,开创现代中国特有的一种服饰形象。


Mr. Zhang Zhifeng, the company’s founder, decided on the name NE•TIGER when he began his entrepreneurial venture in 1982. In 1992, the trademark NE•TIGER was registered with the State Administration for Industry & Commerce of China and was awarded the title of China’s Famous Brand. Later, the company registered NE•TIGER as an international trademark in both Chinese and English versions in Madrid, Spain, and then registered the trademark in a number of countries in accordance with the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks. After 34 years of growth and development, NE•TIGER has become a top fashion brand in China. As a leader and innovator in Chinese fashion culture, NE•TIGER is committed to the revival of Chinese luxury culture and to the prosperity of Chinese luxury brands by adhering to the design philosophy of “Connecting the ancient and modern times, and integrating both Chinese and Western elements.”As a result of its initial efforts in the design and production of fur products, NE•TIGER quickly established itself as a leading company withinChina’s fur industry. Its resume of products that it has introduced to the market include the evening dress, the Chinese-style wedding dress, the Western-style wedding dress and other innovative product lines — such as the specialized and haute couture Huafu line. Rooted in traditional Chinese clothing culture, NE•TIGER was selected as the clothing brand to design and produce clothing made specially for the leaders participating in the 22th APEC Summit.China is called Xia because of its great harmonies and called Hua because of its beautiful clothes.”The Huaxia Dress, also called Huafu, represents the spirit of Chinese people. NE•TIGER’s Huafu design concept has five major features: individuality, classicality, nationality, compatibility and modernity. By extracting the essence fromChina’s several-thousand-year clothing culture, Huafu has created a unique clothing image in contemporary China.

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