Margarita Bortnikova

Margarita Bortnikova- 萨马拉市 “蕾丝美术馆” 的创造者;- 俄罗斯展览中心举办的最佳作品奖”;- Rosstandart金牌;- 莫斯科全俄展览中心 “Gold Sirin” 金奖- 芬兰国际大赛最高奖;- 莫斯科“Estet时装周的参与者;- “罗马时装周的参与者;- Aleksandr Vasilyev“Povoljskie赛季的冠军;- 在布鲁塞尔、卢森堡、柏林、汉堡、罗马以及其他地区欧洲俄罗斯时装日的参与者。Margarita Bortnikova设计了她自己独特的手工针织花边技术,结合古典的花边图案和现代的时尚趋势。每件衣服都是独特的、个性的且完整的形象。由设计师创作的这些形象被视为艺术家的作品。她的系列服饰令人难忘,充满魅力和女人味,独特且奢华。系列服饰是特意为“美学爱好者”打造的。每种款式的服装都是通过手工制作,结合复古花边与现代花边,强调出独特、个性且完整的廓型。设计师从事的工作可以比作为艺术家的工作,其作品会触碰我们内心的感觉、情感和情绪。

Margarita Bortnikova- Creator of the " Lace Gallery "in city of Samara;-    "The Best Production" award held by the Russian Exhibition Centre;-    A gold medal of Rosstandart;-    A gold medal award "Gold Sirin", the All-Russia Exhibition Centre, Moscow;-    the Grand Prix of the international competition, Finland;-    Participant of "Estet Fashion Week", Moscow;-    Participant of "Roma Fashion Week";-    Winner of the competition "Povoljskie Seasons" of Aleksandr Vasilyev;-    Participant of the festivals "Days of the Russian Fashion in Europe" in Brussels, Luxembourg, Berlin, Hamburg, Rome and other areas.Margarita Bortnikova has designed her own exclusive technique of knitted lace of the handwork combining classical lace patterns and trends in modern fashion. Each piece of clothing is characterized by an exclusive, individual and complete image. These images, created by the designer, can be compared to an artist’s work. The charm and feminity, uniqueness and a flight of luxury makes her collection extraordinary, unforgettable and memorable.Collections are targeted at a truly “aficionado of aesthetics”. Each model of clothing is designed by handwork,with the combination of vintage and modern lace to emphasize a unique, individual and complete silhouette. The work of the designer can be compared to the job of an artist whose pieces of art touch our inner feelings, emotions and mood.