Lena Maksimova,新西伯利亚国立大学建筑、设计和艺术系毕业。2014年创办LENA MAKSIMOVA品牌;2012年,成为西伯利亚设计师»国际大赛冠军、并出任Arsenicum的设计师助理(俄罗斯品牌);2013年,获得新西伯利亚时装周年轻设计师地区大赛的冠军、“ Russian Silhouette” X国际年轻设计师大赛的决赛入围者;2015年,参加2015秋冬圣彼得堡时装周、参加极光时装周春夏系列;2016年,参加2016-2017秋冬俄罗斯梅赛德斯奔驰时装周、参加2016春夏极光时装周。

LENA MAKSIMOVA——位置:圣彼得堡,成立年份:2014,奖项和成就,2014年•品牌LENA MAKSIMOVA的创立,2012年• «2012西伯利亚设计师»国际大赛冠军•Arsenicum的设计师助理(俄罗斯品牌),2013年•新西伯利亚时装周年轻设计师区域大赛的冠军•“ Russian Silhouette” X国际年轻设计师大赛的决赛入围者,2015年•参加2015秋冬圣彼得堡时装周•参加极光时装周春夏系列。MUUS* LENA MAKSIMOVA——品牌的第二个系列。中等价位服装。•优质材料•高水平的生产•注重细节•舒适和美观•女性气质和自由剪裁•原创性和简洁性* MUUS -雅库特语翻译为冰。核心客群• 25-35岁女性;•具有批判和创造性思维;•在时尚、设计、艺术、音乐、科学等其他创意方向的工作领域;•关注最新事件;•喜爱电影、阅读。

Lena Maksimova,Novosibirsk State University of Architecture, Design and Arts;2014,Foundation of the brand LENA MAKSIMOVA;2012,Winner of the international competition «Siberian designer 2012», Designer assistant at Arsenicum (Russian brand);2013,Winner of young designers regional competition of Novosibirsk Fashion Week、Finalist of the X International contest of young designers «Russian Silhouette»;2015 Participation in St. Petersburg Fashion Week season A/W 2015、Participation in Aurora Fashion Week season S/S;2016 Participation in MBFW Russia season F/W 16-17、 Participation in AFWSS 2016.

LENA MAKSIMOVA-Location:Saint-Petersburg,Year of foundation: 2014,Awards and achievements,2014 г.• Foundation of the brand LENA MAKSIMOVA,2012 г.• Winner of the international competition «Siberian designer 2012»• Designer assistant at Arsenicum (Russian brand),2013 г.• Winner of young designers regional competition of Novosibirsk Fashion Week• Finalist of the X International contest of young designers «Russian Silhouette»,2015 г.• Participation in St. Petersburg Fashion Week season A/W 2015• Participation in Aurora Fashion Week season S/S.MUUS* LENA MAKSIMOVA-Second line of the brand. Conceptual mid-price clothing.• Quality materials• A high level of manufacturing• Attention to details• Comfort and aesthetics• Femininity and free cutting• Originality and conciseness*MUUS – translates from Yakut language as ice .Core audience• Women 25-35 years;• Who have a critical and creative thinking;• Who work in the field of fashion, design, art, music, science and other creative directions;• Who are always up to date with current events;• Who watch festival films and read independent editions.