Alisa Levin

Alisa Levin  的风格因它的雅致、选用的面料和材质而独特。它代表了吸引力和女性受众审美。这种审美观来自于一位受人尊敬的母亲,一个温暖的家庭主妇,一位迷人的妻子。故事的开端千篇一律——我决定为自己做些高品质的衣服。我进行设计,而我的妈妈将它们缝制成衣。我们所看到的服装店里服装的质量和材质都很差。即使是在好的工作室里,有足够的钱购买奢华的面料缝制完美服饰,但也不能够保证这些服饰完全适合我们。正是因为许多朋友鼓励我——“这是你的事业、天赋,你必须投身其中”,我决定创建自己的工作室。虽然我的大脑里充满了创造性的想法,但还是要感谢对我进行帮助和支持的有才能的人,是他们把这些想法变成了现实。我所设计的连衣裙的历史起源于 50 年代和 60 年代。我的母亲是位时尚的女士;她在苏联的电影制片厂工作,并且总是在一个新的电影上映后,缝制一件新裙子。在我童年的记忆里关于 Burda Moden 的裙子样式还历历在目。所有的一切都发生在改革之前,那个时候得到一个缝制花样可是比现在穿越时空还难。如今我拥有了自己的工作室,这里承载着我母亲的梦想以及所有女性想要美丽和优雅的梦想所有的设计来自于我本人。在有丰富制衣经验人士的帮助下,我尝试在以色列提供之前从未有过的制衣服务。第一件来自于Alisa Levin  的连衣裙推出之后,女士们彻底改变了她们的衣柜。对我而言,客户感到舒适至关重要,并以充分的重视和理解对待每一个要求。从概念草图设计、材质选择到服饰成品,整个过程都在我的监督在完成。这些连衣裙为客户量身定制、单独测量,每一处装饰都配有独一无二的自制珠宝和饰品。曾有位女士称我为“Modistka”(经营女装或女帽店的人),我很喜欢这个早已过时的俄语单词。经营女装或女帽店主的使命就是为时尚达人提供最美丽的裙子和帽子,这正是我现在所做的。我就是你的私人衣帽设计师—— Alisa。6 月 18 日,我代表以色列在拉斯维加斯参加 2016 年“环球夫人”比赛,很高兴也很幸运地在此宣布,我获得了亚军并赢得了国家荣誉奖项。

Alisa Levin’s style distinguishes by its elegancy and a careful choice of fabrics and textures. It represents attractiveness and feminine aesthetic. It’s the aesthetics of a respectable mother, a warm home hostess and a gorgeous wife.It all started pretty banal - I decided to make quality things for my lovely self. I was designing and my mom was sewing them for me. You see the quality and the material of the apparel in many boutiques were poor. Even at a good studio, where for comparable money could offer a good garb sewn from a luxurious fabric, there was no guarantee that it will fit. It was only when many of my friends encouraged me - “it's your business, your talent, you have to dedicate yourself to it” that I decided to create my own studio. My mind was overflowing with creative ideas, but it wasn't until I found those talented and supportive people who brought all this into reality.The history of my dresses originates in the good (old) 50s & 60s. My mother was a woman of fashion; she worked at the film studios of the USSR and always sews a new dress right after the release of a new film in the country. My childhood memories are vividly filled with the dress patterns of Burda Moden. All this was before the Perestroika; at that time to get a sewing pattern was more difficult than to fly into space today.Today I have my own studio where I embody my mother's dreams and the dreams of all women to be beautiful and elegant. All designs are devised by me, and with the help of people with extensive experience in tailoring I manage to provide a service that has not been done in Israel before. After the first dress from «Alisa Levin» the ladies completely change their wardrobe. It is important for me that my clients feel comfortable. I treat any requests with the greatest attention and understanding. The entire process, from concept sketches and choice of fabric to the finished product, is completely under my supervision. The Dresses are custom made and individually measured and each attire comes alongside with unique self-made jewelry and accessories.One woman once called me “Modistka” ("milliner"). And I liked the old-forgotten Russian word. The mission of the milliner was to pamper fashionistas with the most beautiful dresses and hats. This is exactly what I do. Your personal milliner Alisa.On June 18, I represented Israel at the Mrs. Globe Classic 2016 in Las Vegas. I am so happy and blessed to announce that I placed 2st Runner Up and won Country Pride Award.