崇尚品牌ALEX S. YU的女性是快乐的,不怕尝试新事物。她喜欢色彩、印花、古怪的形状、质地,最重要的是舒适度。 ALEX S. YU的女性是不同寻常的、活泼的、淡然的,通过一副玫瑰色的眼镜来看待生活。 ALEX S. YU创造了现代奢华的街头休闲服装,是对成衣的一种前卫的尝试。他灵活处理衣服的比例、撞色和廓型,同时混合、选用不同的颜色和分配布料。他经常自己设计印花,或与平面设计或视觉艺术领域的各种艺术家合作,为他的作品创作原创的印花。他的作品曾在Vogue UK,Vogue Italia,Glamour UK,Elle Canada,Elle Italia,i-D,Indie杂志、Zeum杂志、Leen杂志、Aether杂志和Zine杂志等众多国际媒体上刊登。他的作品也出现在各种MV中,如Charlie 的“Ghosts”和Bestie的“BAE”。他的作品在台湾也很受艺人们的欢迎,如Miu Chiu,Sui Ling和Cookie Feng。他的作品也曾出现在一部独立电影“INDIGO”中,该电影曾在戛纳和柏林电影节上展出。他的品牌服装可以在其快闪店买得到,一年两次,以及在世界各地的经销商处进行售卖。 品牌ALEX S. YU是用梦想和爱创作而成的。

The ALEX S. YU woman loves to have fun, and isn't afraid of trying new things. She loves colour, prints, quirky shapes, textures, and most importantly, values comfort. The ALEX S. YU woman is eccentric, lively, nonchalant and views life through a pair of rose tinted glasses. ALEX S. YU creates a line of contemporary luxury streets wear that is ready-to-wear with a twist of avant-garde experimental attitude. He plays with proportions, colour blocking and unusual silhouettes while mixing and using different colours and fabric weights in one garment.  He often designs his own original prints or collaborates with various artists from the graphic design or visual arts field to create original prints for his collection. His works had been featured in various international presses such as Vogue UK, Vogue Italia, Glamour UK, Elle Canada, Elle Italia, i-D, Indie Magazine, Zeum Magazine, Leen Magazine, Aether Magazine, Zine Magazine, and many more. His works has also been featured in various music videos such as ‘Ghosts’ by Charlie and ‘BAE’ by Bestie. His work has also appeared on celebrities in Taiwan such as Miu Chiu, Sui Ling and Cookie Feng. His work has also been featured in an independent film, INDIGO, that has shown at Cannes and Berlin Film Festival. His line is sold at his bi-annual pop up shops and various stockists around the world. ALEX S. YU is made with dream and love.