
She graduated from Bunka Fashion College of clothing fabric design and achieved a master degree in Fu Jen Catholic University of Institute of textile clothing. Now she serves a design director for GIOIA PAN brand. In 2013 won the 2013 "women's fashion designer "of the year award. In 2012 won the award of the 16th Gloden landing nominations and award for "best fashion brands". In 2011 won the award of the 15th Gloden landing nominations & award for" best female outfit brand". In 2010 won the award of the 14th Gloden landing nominations. In 2010 won the Haixi fashion week "inter fashion designer". In 2009 won the 15th China international fashion week "The best top ten designers". In 2008 won the 14th China international fashion week "The best top ten designers". In 2008 won the Shanghai fashion week, "Original design excellence Award". In 2007 won the 13th China international fashion week "The brand of best women's clothing design Award". In 2003 won the "Achievement of fashion design award" of Shanghai international culture festival. She won praise "Knitting queen" of the Taiwan fashion designer. Gioia symbolizes the joy optimistic in Italian name. Since 2001 Gioia PAN brand is committed to delve into the knitting technology and innovation, continuously develop all kinds of knitted apparel industry, but also with traditional knitting craft fusion popular element, tripping generally knitting clothing stereotypes, give new fashion life.
日本文化服装学院织品设计科毕业。台湾辅仁大学织品服饰研究所硕士毕业。现任GIOIA PAN品牌设计总监。 2013年 荣获2013年度最佳女装设计师奖。 2012年 荣获第十六届金顶奖入围提名及最佳时尚品牌奖。 2011年 荣获第十五届金顶奖入围提名&最佳女装品牌奖。 2010年 荣获第十四届金顶奖入围提名。 2010年 荣获海西时装周国际风尚设计师大奖。 2009年 荣获第十五届中国国际时装周十佳设计师称号。 2008年 荣获第十四届中国国际时装周十佳设计师称号。 2008年 荣获上海时装周原创设计优秀奖。 2007年 荣获第十三届中国国际时装周品牌大奖最佳女装设计奖。 2003年 荣获上海国际文化节时装设计成就奖。 享有「针织女王」称誉的台湾时装设计师潘怡良,以其象征欢欣乐观的意大利文名字 Gioia于 2001 年自创品牌 GIOIA PAN 至今,致力于针织技术的钻研与创新,不断开发出各式针织服饰惊艳业界,同时也以传统针织技艺融合流行元素,跳脱一般针织服饰的刻板印象,赋予新的时尚生命。

2013 哈尔滨时装周
