Rossana Diana

Rossana Diana Is an italian fashion designer ,She’s living and working in Milan Since young she shows her great passion for Nature.After having abandoned his university studies in biology , she began working as a model. in this period she meets the Zeus Group (fashion, art and design) and in 1986 she joins them detecting the fashion store in the Navigli side of Milan. The shop, an illustrious example high tech aesthetics of that time, rapidly became a landmark in the city, recognized as a container of the most famous collections of the international fashion scene. Time magazine will recognize it as one of the best fashion stores of those years. This is where Rossana starts designing and producing her first clothing collections.In 1990,she met the fashion designer Alberto Biani who invites her into his company, Staff International, to join him for the style of his collections, but she aims to create a new collection for Vivienne Westwood.Red Label,Soon they fly to London and Vivienne, excited about a project of a line of her classics , exclusive and recognized styles, decided to call the collection Red Label. The collection would have been under the creative direction by Rosanna and would have leave free Vivienne Westwood to work on a new project that is born at the same time: the Gold Label. Man Collection,Success was immediate and Rossana in few years also becomes the coordinator of the man's collection, Man, realizing along with creative director Andreas Kronthaler husband of Vivienne Westwood.Venette Waste,In 2000 she begins to be actively critical of the drift of the industrial product given by the needs dictated by ever tighter industrial turnaround times and the subsequent obsolescence of products. She thus begins a search that leads to acquiring a deep knowledge about the fundamental processes of economic liberalism and to create the project Venette Waste. Born in 2009, represented by a cartoon, a woman with a hawk, this organization is in charge of sustainable fashion realizing value from the chain of the system's waste.Waste Couture,Waste Couture is the brand that recognizes any product of any collection made according to Venette Waste program that rearranges according to a new logic, at zero impact, the dynamics that affect the style, production, distribution and communication of fashion products.Web Fashion Academy,in 2014 she founded the Web Fashion Academy where she is nowadays working on all the Waste Couture projects. Web Fashion Academy is an association as well as a coworking .The aim is to aggregate all those fashion figures and personalities who are interested in a new style fashion and life made by virtue of a renewed sobriety. Patent 2012,In May 2012 she invented and patented a pants model that eliminates, without inserts, the seam from the crutch.Patterns by Components,In the same years Rossana is designing a system of patterns in components for better use of the remaining tissues even in small quantities. Personal Brand Maker Project,In 2008 she has been for a couple of years the personal fashion designer for the Scheika Mouza at the Royal Palace of Abu Dhabi.Anphibios,She get Involved in collaboration with Bond Factory in the development of the technique of bonding fabrics and very different others materials, organizing the unisex collection Anphibios. Thi work has produced as well a book, BOND-IN in collaboration with IED. Al Qabila,In 2016 she was awarded by the Chamber of the Islamic Fashion to design the flag collection for women in the muslim world.These are only some examples of her eclectic creativity,Several important collections have used her competences and what she likes to call “her creative logic “ over the years in support of their productions.
Rossana Diana是一名意大利的时装设计师。她在米兰居住和生活。很小的时候她就对自然产生了极大的热情。在放弃了大学的生物学专业后,她开始当模特。在这期间她遇见了Zeus Group(时装、艺术和设计), 并与1986年加入了他们。之后他们在米兰维纳利开了一家时装店。这家店代表着那个时代很高的审美水平,迅速成为了米兰的地标,被看成是国际各大秀场最著名的时装的聚集地。时代杂志把它评为那些年最好的时装店之一。这就是Rossana开始设计和创作自己第一个服装系列的地方。1990年她见到了时装设计师Alberto Biani,邀请她加入他的公司“Staff International”来研发系列服装的风格。但是她想为Vivienne Westwood创造出一个新系列的服装。红色标签,很快他们和Vivienne飞去了伦敦,带着对研发她的经典的、高级的、有辨识度的风格的计划感到的兴奋,他们决定叫这个系列为红色标签。这个系列是在Rossana的创意指导下完成的,这样可以让Vivienne Westwood有时间研究新的项目,金色标签同时也诞生了。男人系列,她很快就一举成功了,在几年时间里Rossana都是男装系列的协调者。男装系列是和创意总监Vivienne Westwood的丈夫Andreas Kronthaler一起完成的。Venette Waste,2000年,她开始积极地批判工业产品由于需要而堆积的现象,归因于曾经严密的周转时间和后续的产品废弃。因此她开始了一项调查,后来她深刻地了解了经济自由主义的基本过程,然后创建了Venette Waste这个项目。2009年的一幅讽刺画画着一个女人和她肩膀上的老鹰,这次组织把可持续性的时尚通过系统浪费的链条实现了它的价值。Waste Couture,Waste Couture是这样一个牌子,它承认有关Venette Waste这个项目(也就是根据新的逻辑重新安排的项目)的任何系列的任何产品。在完全没有影响的情况下,这种动力影响了时装产品的风格、生产、分配和沟通。Web时装学院,2014年,她创建了Web时装学院,现在她仍然继续着她的Waste Couture。Web时装学院既是一个协会又是一个联合办公的地方。它的目的是聚集所有时尚界的名人,他们都是对时尚和生活的新风格感兴趣的人,得益于再次清醒的价值观。2012专利,2012年5月,她创造了一个短裤模型,从而获得了专利,这个模型去掉了胯部的接缝,不额外添加。用零散的布料设计花样同一年,Rossana用零散的布料设计了一系列的花样,她这样做是为了更好地使用剩下的布料,甚至是很小的一块。私人品牌制造计划,2008年,她已经为阿布扎比皇家宫殿的Scheika Mouza作了多年的私人时装设计师。Anphibios她开始跟粘合剂工厂合作来发展粘合织物技术和其他不同的材料,研发了不分男女的时装系列Anphibios。这次合作还出版了一本书,那就是和欧洲设计学院合作的BOND-IN.Al Qabila,2016年,她被伊斯兰时尚商会授权为穆斯林的妇女们设计旗帜图样。这些是她惊人的创造力的几个例子,许多重要的系列的创作都是她能力的体现。她喜欢把它们称为“创造性思维”,也是这些年一直支撑着产品的思维。

2017 哈尔滨时装周
