- a successful and well-known Moscow designer. The story of her fashion-brand KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA, started just two years ago, but has already gained a sincere love of the most demanding audience - the opening of boutiques in Moscow, Abkhazia, and European cities this confirmation. The first show of the designer was in Jurmala New Wave 2013 in cooperation with FASHION TV, where it presented its women's collection. Having made the hallmark of the fashion house - dress Karina foreseen the boom on the board - and therefore so quickly became popular. Remaining unchanged in the main - femininity and intellectual style seksualnosti- KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA evolves: designer complicates the silhouette of folds and weaves multi-layered fabrics, remains unchanged famous blue plate.Tonkoe sense of line, color and texture make Karina unique style and timeless. Many stars of domestic show business, such as: Arina paprika, Alain Shishkov, Alina Topalov, the first ladies of Moscow and many others like and wear clothes from Karina Himchinskoy. KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA - a successful brand, which is known to write and leading glossy magazines. Each show Karina - an event that gathers more than a thousand spectators and hundreds of journalists. In the first row you can see famous actors and TV presenters, representatives of Russian and foreign glossy media, businessmen.
Karina Khimchinskaya是一位莫斯科知名设计师。她的品牌KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA已经获得最挑剔客户群的推崇,并在莫斯科、阿布哈兹和欧洲部分城市都开设了精品服装店。2013年,在新浪潮与FASHION TV合作中,她的首次服装秀展出了她的女装系列。她的服装店做出了自己的特点,穿KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA品牌就预示着职位高升,因此品牌迅速走红。基本上KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA品牌保持了女人味和知性风格,设计师Karina将皱褶的轮廓复杂化,进行多层次的编织,保留著名的蓝底。这样的线条、颜色和质地使Karina品牌独具特色并成为永恒。许多国内演艺界的众多明星,如Arina paprika, Alain Shishkov, Alina Topalov,莫斯科第一夫人等其他人都喜欢穿KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA品牌。KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA 是一个成功品牌,经常出现在时尚杂志上。KARINA KHIMCHINSKAYA品牌的每场秀都吸引了成百上千名观众和记者。秀场的第一排坐着著名的演员、电视节目主持人、外国的媒体代表以及商人。