Anna Dudzinska

CITY: GDAŃSK COUNTRY: POLAND UNIVERSITY / SCHOOL: CRACOW SCHOOL OF ART AND FASHION DESIGN GRADUATION YEAR: 2012 PRODUCTION LOCATION: POLAND COLLECTION – NATURAL THING CAMPAIGN Chill, harsh, severe climate of Scandinavia on the one hand, and warm, soft, wrapping fabrics and forms – on the other. In her latest collection of hand-knitted clothing, Anna Dudzińska works with contradictions, that, all in all, make up a harmonious whole in the spirit of applied avant-garde – the designer’s hallmark. The NATURAL THING collection clearly oscillates between organic and natural. Colours of the earth (beiges, greys, white and black), natural fabrics (warm Australian wool, cotton, soft silk and mohair, wools with alpaca), as well as the fascination with textures occurring in the world of nature have been reflected in the designs of jumpers, skirts and shawls. The collection is based on oversized, overscaled fashion that forms some sort of a safe shelter for the human body. Three-dimensional embellishments that boldly encounter the stern surrounding resemble the irregular cocoons of silkworms or the delicate, yet resistant spiders’ webs. Of particular interest are also the very thick seams, which form dense “stony” structures. All patterns from the aw2016 collection are hand-made, according to the highest standards of Polish craft, with care for every detail. Anna Dudzińska, who pays great attention to slow fashion and fair trade, has used in her designs solely high-quality, natural fabrics obtained with respect for employment and environmental rights.
城市:格但斯克 国家:波兰 大学/学院:克拉科夫艺术和时尚设计学院 毕业年份:2012 生产地点:波兰 系列:NATURAL THING的运动 寒冷和严酷是斯堪的纳维亚半岛气候的一面,另一面则是温暖和温和。在她最新的手工针织服装系列中,Anna Dudzińska运用了矛盾的想法,发挥设计师标志性的前卫精神,最终构成一个和谐的整体。 NATURAL THING系列明显地徘徊在有机和自然之间。陆地的颜色(米黄色、灰色、白色和黑色)、天然面料(澳大利亚温暖的羊毛、棉花,柔软的丝绸和马海毛、羊驼毛),以及对自然世界中的结构的迷恋体现在针织套衫、裙子和披肩的设计上。该系列基于超大、超比例的时尚,为人体形成某种安全的屏障。大胆面对严峻环境的立体装饰品,就像于不规则的蚕茧或是易损但又耐久的蜘蛛网。特别有趣的是,厚接缝形成致密的“石”结构。 2016秋冬系列的所有图案都是根据波兰工艺的最高标准手工制作而成的,注重每一个细节。Anna Dudzińska极其关注慢时尚和公平贸易,在设计中采用了高质量的天然面料,体现出她尊重就业权利和环境权利。

2017 哈尔滨时装周
