DAY · 4 | SECOND 2019哈尔滨时装周——秀场直击

DAY • 4 | SECOND 2019 Harbin Fashion Week – Fashion Runway

2019哈尔滨时装周 Day 4 SECOND SHOW 分别由来自:IDA SANDOR(斯洛伐克)、EDYTA JERMACZ(波兰)、DEVON LONDON(越南)三位品牌设计师为大家带来。

Day 4 SECOND SHOW of 2019 Harbin Fashion Week consists of three fashion brands: IDA SANDOR (Slovakia), EDYTA JERMACZ (Poland) and DEVON LONDON (Vietnam).


设计师Ida Sandor在斯洛伐克科希策市工作,她专注于私人定制。她的品牌在斯洛伐克以及国外的时尚盛宴上也屡次出现。

Ida Sandor works and creates in Košice, Slovakia. She devotes her time to individually tailored custom-made creations for particular clients. Her collections are presented on prestigious fashion events in Slovakia as well as abroad. 


Her work is timeless and authentic. Her models are minimalistic, austere and geometric while also showing sophisticated detailed cut. She uses materials of the highest quality such as silk, cashmere, leather and fur. 



As the only one using patchwork technique she creates ever so unique pieces- original but still wearable, sexy but still decent/not vulgar, chic but still classy/not ostentatious/not showy. She creates her pieces for women of all ages who appreciate high-quality materials and true haute couture with emphasis on details, for women who are strong, courageous/ high-spirited, who are distinctive and above average especially by their accomplishments. Many personalities of social and political life are proud to wear her models. Except of being a designer she is also a stylist. 


She cooperates with women of all domains and is engaged in interior and product design. In the forthcoming show the designer presents the whole collection with extra models made for this special occasion. 




波兰设计师Edyta Jermacz于2011年创立了街头风设计师同名品牌EDYTA JERMACZ。EDYTA JERMACZ是一个主打时尚前卫男女皆宜的街头风品牌,其设计风靡全球。该品牌的系列作品将色彩、样式以及炫目有趣的印花图案进行了令人称奇的组合,体现了原创风格。奇特中性风格成为该品牌裙装、裤装和外套的标志,卓尔不凡的灵感,如坠入爱河的人们之间发生的化学反应一样,使男性和女性都为之着迷,风靡全球。

The eponymous brand EDYTA JERMACZ was established by Polish fashion designer Edyta Jermacz in 2011. Edyta Jermacz is a brand that deals with the creation of a bold fashion unisex streetwear character, whose designs are popular all over the world. The company's collections have surprising combination of colors, forms and flashy, funny prints that will help you express your original style. Unusual inspirations, such as chemical reactions occurring in people in love, make the dresses, trousers and coats offered by the brand are characterized by an extremely unusual style that will delight both women and men.

2019 HFW LOOK 


Devon Nguyen在波兰出生长大。但是,越南文化的根基和精髓却一直深入其骨髓。随着时间的流逝,逐渐成就了今天Devon Nguyen在大家面前展示出的时尚风格。在Devon Nguyen小时候,就已经在平面设计方面显露了兴趣,因此她决定在CSM中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院学习印花和面料设计。然后,Devon从面料设计转而走上成衣的道路。在LCF伦敦时装学院学习期间,Devon效力于Mary Katrantzou并在Mayfair慈善时装秀上展示作品。2011年成立的DEVON LONDON是Devon在逐梦时尚之路上至关重要的第一步。

It was all begun in Poland where Devon Nguyen was born and raise. However, the Vietnamese roots and heritage has never left her. As the time goes by, all those things has formed her into the kind of fashion she is today.At an early age, Devon started to show interest in graphic design, hence, she decided to study of Printing & Textile design at Central Saint Martin. Then, she shifted her pathway from textile design to womenswear. While studying at London College of Fashion she worked at Mary Katrantzou and presented her own collection at Mayfair Charity Fashion Show. Her first major step to pursuit her fashion dream is Devon London - established since 2011.


在一路发展历程中,Devon曾当选为第10届Đẹp时装秀(越南最大的概念时装节目)的最具才华青年设计师,这也是Đẹp时装秀首次对越南开放。时至今日,DEVON LONDON已在越南时装界占据了重要的一席之地。

During the journey, Devon was selected by Đẹp Fashion Show 10th (the biggest conceptual fashion program in Viet Nam) as Talented Young Designer and show for the first time in her motherland. Until today, Devon London brand has made a remarkable position in Vietnamese Fashion Industry.

Devon在2012年毕业后不忘初心,将品牌带回了越南总部。DEVON LONDON的品牌故事在我们设计师中间成为了一个全新篇章。

In 2012, Devon graduated and started follow her passion and bring her brand to base in Vietnam. Devon London brand's story has known as a whole new chapter for our designer.