无sense,不party!哈尔滨时装周After Party邀你终极狂欢!

No Sense, No Party! Harbin Fashion Week After-Party Invites You to Have Fun!


2018 Harbin Fashion Week has come to the final day. After enjoying the five-day wonderful fashion shows, do you feel that you want them keep going? Still wish the party never ends? Hope to have a chance to interact with the models who has almost two-meters-long beautiful legs, communicate with fashion designers about fashion and express compliment on their designs?


那么你绝对不能错过1月16日的晚上9点,西城红场艺术港美术馆内将举办一场2018哈尔滨时装周专场After Party!此次派对举办目的是为答谢支持时装周的嘉宾们,届时各界潮流人士、时尚名模、资深媒体人及知名博主、网红大咖将齐聚一堂,与大家共同狂欢~

Then you should not miss the 2018 Harbin Fashion Week exclusive after-party, which will take place at the Westred Art Museum at 9:00 pm on January 16th! The party is a great opportunity to thank the guests who have been supporting Harbin Fashion Week. At that time, well-known fashion icons, models, senior media professionals, bloggers and web celebrities will gather together to celebrate and enjoy the night.


请从此刻开始忘记秀场台边的正襟危坐、各种摆出来的pose以及T台上高冷的男神女神范儿吧!群星云集的After Party才是大家真正的秀场。这里可以好好放松下来,完全放飞自我、喝酒聊天,还可以肆无忌惮地玩耍happy。

From this moment, please forget the serious look and intentional posture of the noble and elegant models on the stage. The After-Party is a real show, gathering so many stars. Here you can totally relax and free yourself, have a drink and chat, just enjoy yourself.



The wonderful party is definitely not worse than the fashion show! Because here, models, guests and designers will show up in gorgeous but casual costumes, so beautiful that couldn’t take eyes out~



You will meet the talented designers who brought the wonderful performances to the current fashion week at the party.


模特们也将再度齐聚After Party,各展动人身姿。这大概是嘉宾平均身材水平最高的派对了,一水儿的蜂腰翘臀大长腿,凡人怕是根本不敢往前站…不过合影留念肯定还是要哒~

The models will also appear at the after-party. It might be the party attended by guests with the highest average height. Common people might be afraid of standing forward among these good shapes... but having a photo together for memory is necessary~



Come and enjoy the comfortable and interesting party together with guests along with the DJ's dynamic music!



How enjoyable it is to watch the bartender's performance. Pink Lady, Blue Margaret, Blue Hawaii, Long Island Iced Tea... It is a fascinating magic created only by using bottles and wine glasses.



Fruit tarts, blueberry mousses, cookies, brownie cakes, French matcha cakes... The dessert with its healing properties melts the coldness of the winter, bringing sweetness to the taste bud.



Drink snowflake concept beer, vodka, gin, tequila, rum and whiskey! After playing hard, there are idyllic fresh vegetable cups, French fish roe stuffed eggs, vegetable shrimp cups and other exquisite snacks waiting for you.


最流行的时尚派对,最多的美女帅哥聚会,最奢华的年度派对,最多的时尚设计师、MODEL云集,最酷炫最时尚的新玩法,最CRAZY的After party!想要一起享受浮光掠影后的狂欢时刻吗?一起来吧!点击【阅读原文】链接报名参加!

 It is the most CRAZY After-Party, the most popular fashion party with the most gorgeous ladies and gentlemen attended, the most luxurious annual party with the most fashion designers and models participated, the coolest and most fashionable new game! Do you want to enjoy the carnival? Come on! Follow Harbin Fashion Week WeChat Official Account, Click the [Read The Original Text] link to register!